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Julian Lee
How Astrology
Really Works
Julian Lee
Copyright Julian Lee 2013
don't realize astrological phenomena play out in the
following 6 realms:
What you think
Sensations in
the body
3) What you
hear, see, or notice
4) Actions
you feel like taking but don't take
5) Actions
you do take
Occurrences (Events that Happen)
Notice that
the list moves from subtle to grosser forms of manifestation. Astrological skeptics -- and a
few astrological fools -- tend
to focus on the realm of occurrences and events
exclusively and the supposed desire
to predict them when criticizing astrology. They believe that the goal of
astrology is to predict exactly what will happen at Level 6.
But a given astrological transit, such as
will be found playing out in realms 1-5 long before any
grosser manifestation in Level 6.
Long before anybody "knocks
the door" (a Level 6 event occurs) the transit associated
that knock has been playing out in the mind, in bodily sensations, and
the things seen out the window or on a walk around the block.
what the individual does or doesn't do in the first 5
levels impacts
what happens at Level 6. Thus...
-- what
he thinks of or doesn't think of
-- what
he does or doesn't do about bodily sensations
-- what he notices or doesn't notice
-- what he allows or doesn't
-- actions he takes or doesn't take...
greatly modify what can
manifest at Level 6.
Let's say one is about to have Mars square their Mercury for the next
10 days. If one does a lot of #3 -- does a lot of skillful seeing,
hearing and noticing during this transit -- it greatly attenuates what
will happen at #6 (events). Simple watching/observing/noting
power to very much drain the Level 6 swamp. In fact the
technique of Vipassana employs this wisdom at Level 2 -- sensations in
the body. By focusing on them and, in effect, magnifying these small
sensations, huge and grotesque astrological karma
is busted/neutralized at the level of the body.
See, the planets (the karma) only demand that you experience a
mentally. They ultimately only require that you experience
various combinations of
mental ideas. And there are states
you can enter in which they can't even require that...
study and watch my own personal transits on a daily basis, and have
done so for many years. So what's written here comes from that personal
observation, then adding in much vicarious information through
talking to my clients with their transits.
One of the
principles involved with observing (#3) is that the mind magnifies
a thing by focus on it. Meanwhile, magnifying that experience, the
transit becomes "satisfied."
Often I have "sat through" a bad transit to see if non-action (#4/5)
can reduce manifestations of a transit. Such is the case! We can
"sit out" a great many negative transits and they become very deflated
thereby. Action makes a transit expand in its potential.
At other times I might choose to act through a transit I know is
negative, but within a limited sphere. A funny vignette will
demonstrate how noticing and mental magnification works:
remember one day my transit
was something like Mars-Dodecile-Moon, and it was very strong that
day. (Mars transits involve very noticeable things, generally.) Under
this transit, walking around the block might typically
produce things like "people fighting," the appearance of a police car,
an aggressive panhandler, a lot of cursing or unpleasant visuals (on my
"Mars" transits I often run across people with tattoos and piercings),
sounds...just on a walk around the block. I knew this by years of
observation. My experiment that day was to walk around the block, only,
but to look down at my feet and sidewalk, taking in a very limited
amount of information. I wanted too see if the transit would still
manifest itself somehow, plus see how
subtle I could get my "observing" to be.
So I commenced my walk, staring downward
resolutely, and within 100 paces I was seeing the transit: I saw
graffiti written on the sidewalk that I'd not seen before. I saw some
litter that was unpleasant and had not been there before. Then I saw
ants in battle. They were small. Typically nobody would see them. They
were engaged, trying to kill each other.
All of the above items were, I knew, subtle manifestations of my
Mars-hitting-Moon. Mars hits often 'produce' messes, coarse
things. But the "ants fighting" was perfect and really took the cake!
Next I
suddenly ran into a thick wire pinion, one of those things at an angle
that the city puts in to hold a telephone pole up, and I almost tripped
on it. It had not been there before. (Mars hits are
often associated with physical
accidents and metal equipment.)
So from that experiment we can see that: Any "action" in time/space
will let the transit manifest, but that very subtle things can
"satisfy" the transit. For the rest of my walk I mused about the "two
ants fighting" and the whole topic of fights, aggression, territory,
the amazing stories I'd heard of ants who could eat a hapless
adventurer, times I'd had to get rid of ants or infestations in my
house, that time I had wasps in my porch. Then came to mind some
experiences in my teens where I was harassed/threatened by
other young men while walking about my home town, how they threw rocks
at me, etc.
Basically the tiny thing on the surface of the sidewalk -- two ants
fighting, and especially my mental concentration on it, then the
thoughts that I brought into my mind that had me experiencing certain ideas --
allowed for
the fulfillment of my Mars-Square-Mercury during that hour. These were
all subtle
things -- the graffiti on the sidewalk, the ants, and my thoughts
-- but I magnified
them in my mind by noticing and pondering.
So this power of noticing things in the environment or in the body --
this being fields #2 and #3 -- is a very basic power in "chart
transcendence," and learning to use this technique very much modifies
what can manifest at level 6.
To mention an even more basic power: Whether he/she chooses to sleep
for a while or practice meditation, during a particular moon transit,
utterly controls what he/she experiences!
One can easily take a nap through a difficult moon transit, for
example, and it basically kills it off. Nothing happens! When sleeping,
you don't experience your earthly transits much or at all. They are
pulled out by the root. This may seem obvious yet it relates to the
core principle under discussion: That what is experienced
mentally and bodily is the controlling factor in what finally manifests
at, say, Level 6.
The pace of one's breathing also -- and this relates to sleep
meditation -- also controls how planetary phenomena may manifest on a
given day or hour. The faster and more mind-stimulated the breath, the
grosser will be transit manifestation. The slower and more subtle the
breath, the more such manifestation will become subtle...
Astrology is far more subtle, layered -- and magical -- than astrology
skeptics are capable of anticipating. This is to be expected
because the
materialist type has already been denying the larger magic of the
world, itself.
astrology, a list of phenomena and conditions can definitely
predicted, in the case of any particular setup. You can also list them
from gross to subtle.
"Your house burns down" would be a gross
possibility of, say, Mars-Dodecile-4th-House-Ruler-for-3 weeks.
More subtle fruit from the same
transit might be:."Your
neighbor burns a lot of trash and you see red vehicles around your
house, the cops show up for some reason."
An even more subtle version would be "You read a little bit
about the Great Fire of Chicago" or "You hear about a friend having
fire" and
"you finally mow the lawn."
The one who has done a lot of items 1-thru-5, especially the "noticing"
-- will be the one who gets the nicer versions just above.
A concept to grasp is that you continually alter the manifesting
possibilities of your chart/transits as you alter the contents of your
mind and body. This is logical since the outwardly- manifested
conditions/events are nothing but a projection of your own physical
body, just as a picture on a screen in a movie viewing is manifested by
a light bulb, lens, and strip of plastic. The chart is like the
schematic that contains the possible pictures/stories. If you could
visualize a crystal with a light shining on it, which projects a
particular color on a wall, and imagine that applying
heat/cold to the crystal alters the color projected: That's the best
analogy here. The contents of your body-mind control how much, or what
grossness/fineness can be projected. If, for example, by yogic
development you could reach a state in which your body is burning with
pranic heat, and your mind is subsumed with bliss -- you'd find your
chart/body immediately manifesting very satvic and magical outer
phenomena, phenomena that was never possible for your body/mind to
manifest in the ordinary state.
Why Astrology Can't Regularly
Predict Exact Events
many of these 6 above are subtle realms, and because we have
power of
going to sleep as well as slowing the breath and mind, and the
power to notice or not
notice a thing, to act or refrain from acting,
because no moment ever contains a repeat of planetary configurations,
and because every planetary configuration is capable of
with a wide range of possibilities --
it is impossible to predict exactly what will happen.
Who would want
to, when there is so much choice, and when predicting the future would
destroy the pleasure of life? Life really consists of your Soul playing
games with your earthly ego-self. Your own Soul knows that existence
would be hell if everything could be predicted, thus your Soul does not
allow that situation to develop. Your Soul, which is infinite in
knowledge and bliss, always knows more than the earthly ego-self and
its strategies and theories, and will always present surprises to it.
In my own astrology I'm always moving from plateaus where I think I
know a lot, to being cast out to sea again by some new knowledge-vista,
and regretting the days when I thought I "knew it all."
Astrological knowledge continually expands just like knowledge of the
material universe expands. Yet the Soul always knows more. In fact,
outer knowledge is just tiny distillations and accretions secured from
that Self.
Predictors Often Do Harm
Given a particular technical situation, a range of phenomena can be
confidently predicted, from gross to subtle; from what we could call
low-end to high end. Example: Let's say Saturn will afflict a woman's
marriage ruler for 2 years. A gross outcome might be divorce or death
of her husband. A high-end or subtle outcome would be: He works a lot,
he's not so present or available to her, or maybe he will be sick or
challenged in some other way. It is actually not technically possible
to predict whether the woman will have the low-end, or more high-end,
and as illustrated, it depends on her responses and how much she
registers things in levels 1 thru 5. However, the loving and
constructive role of an astrologer would be to direct her mind to the
high end possibilities (his work, unavailability).
In my work if I see particular bad challenges ahead for a client, I
almost never breathe (speak) the lower-end possibilities, because I
know that speaking those will make them more likely to come true.
Instead I direct their minds to some of the high-end possibilities.
When an astrologer makes a prediction based on astrology he/she is only
doing these two things:
1) He is making a statement serving him/herself, in terms of
manifesting their own karma and desired outcome, and
2) They are attempting to place their mark on the external world,
through that speech/prediction. The degree to which they succeed at
that relates to their own power of speech and will.
False Premises Held by Skeptics
Skeptics approach the idea of astrology (note they always
"the idea of astrology" -- not astrology itself) with false
premises about what it is; or with unnecessary or absurd
theories of "how it's supposed to work" such as the idea of
"planetary influences," "cosmic rays," etc. Or that it is supposed to
"predict exactly what will happen in the future."
In this paper I point out that astrology is the one field
the materialist insists on having a credible theory of
explanation before he is willing to study it by watching his
transits, or collecting many natal charts. With all other
scientific studies, the phenomenon
itself is studied as a phenomenon though no
theory yet
exists to explain it. Only after studying the phenomenon
itself does the scientist try to create a theory to explain
it. Then the theory explaining the
phenomenon typically evolves and changes.
Only with
do the materialists require a final theory for "how it could
be true" before
looking at the phenomenon itself.. Because
of this I suspect that they are reacting emotionally and
irrationally to astrology.
This is, I can only guess, because they view astrology as threatening
to their assumptions about what the world is, or maybe for
neurotic or emotional reasons. I suppose it makes
afraid. Maybe it threatens to topple some of the paradigms by which
they understand the world. Maybe they have met some
simpleton astrology types who gave them a
of what
is. Perhaps they instinctively know that it
challenges basic
assumptions about life and what the material creation really
is: The extension of themselves and their own mind.
does lead you to that conclusion.
The scientist doesn't realize that he is
studying himself, his own mental projections; his own karma.
leads you to that conclusion faster than
the scientists' studies. The scientist is led endlessly into
swirling eddies of his own mind
that he calls The Universe, always viewing it as "other."
This paper is written to address the premises and childish refusal of
astrology skeptics to actually study astrological correlation without
having a satisfactory theory in hand. I also show how their starting
premises are often irrelevant, optional, or useless. I
then give
practical advice for the study of astrology in which -- as with most
other studies and investigations -- no
theory-of-cause or
explanation for astrological correlation need be in
hand. You
simply watch life and watch your transits (or study natal charts) and
see what you see.
I hope that perhaps only 1 in a thousand skeptics reads
this and becomes a natural astrologer. As I mention below, I
would not like to l live in a world in which astrology was any more
popular than it already is. In astrology you meet your own
self-projected law. Most people are already burdened enough.
Jesus said, "Take no thought for tomorrow...sufficient to the day is
the evil thereof." In other words, each day already has enough sorrows
and limitations. Don't make it worse. Astrological knowledge is a
burden. A wise man, after encountering astrological laws -- as subtle
and mystifying as they are -- soon sets about trying to dissolve them
in God's Seven Seas or burn them in a Divine Fire. Yet in my
life, understanding astrological charts was the
grace that made me capable of bearing sorrows and staving off madness.
All of this is just passing karma. Astrology shows you that.
-- Julian Lee |
Let me say at the
outset that I'm thoroughly happy if the majority of
people don't know about astrology, view it as nonsense, or
fear it as is often the case.
Happy as punch. I would not like living in a world in which
the majority of people had astrological knowledge. I am not going to
explain why I feel that way, but let me say it at the outset.
Another way of putting it is that I have no desire to convince
cocksure attackers, who pose as science types but are really
approaching the enigma of astrology emotionally and
unlike the
scientist, demand a plausible theory of
"how" before even looking at the phenomenon itself. Neither do I
desire to convince the fearful
and unadventurous about the universal cohesion seen in
astrology. I have no wish to disturb anybody's world. I'm happy to
leave them alone. My phone continually rings with the voices of those
who have experienced the deep validity of astrological observation.
From a purely selfish standpoint it is better that few know, for
example, about my particular brand of locational analysis and how I
find better locations for people where definite changes can easily be
predicted. Thus I tend not to even gush to avid astrologers
what it is, you know. Astrology is essentially the
observation of the
microcosm (humans) with reference to the macrocosm. You don't
need to
believe anything or even understand how. Just watch. A good astrologer
is a Watcher.
But it's more fun that most don't know about
astrology in any convincing way. For one thing, people who are into
charts and transits are the most tedious and boring people in the
world, to me. I'd prefer to talk to non-astrologers and I don't want a
world full of white-knuckled chart watchers. They lose the
magic and
they take away the magic for me. But every now and then I can
drawn into explanations.
The essential claim of astrology is that there is a correlation between life
phenomena and the planetary positions and movements.
Not that that correlation is not perfectly comprehensible, or that it
correlates perfectly. We can say that traffic incidents like speeding
tickets or parking tickets usually correlate with
the transiting
moon making a hard aspect to Saturn. But we can't find a set of
transits sure to predict a parking ticket. On the other hand
hard moon transits to Saturn are almost sure to predict some kind of
stress, mess, screwup, or unpleasantness. You find out about this
easily by logging the planetary positions whenever you have unpleasant
The claim of astrology is not that one can predict exactly
what will happen. Who would want such a life? And how
could it be done when every moment is new, with no set of planetary
configurations ever repeating exactly?
Astrology doesn't claim to be a science. That would be a downgrade.
I'm insulted if somebody
tries to praise astrology by calling it a science. Isn't
it science and the scientific attitude that has most f---d up the
world? And the thing that never delivers on its promise (to get rid of
best use of astrology, moreover, does not
concern "happenings" much. It's best use is to give
understanding and
the comfort understanding brings.
It's very highest use is to enable the
canny watcher to discern the difference between mere good karma and
grace; the difference between transits and the
Transcendental. It
becomes, for the wise, the biofeedback system leading into
of grace.
Astrology is not a matter of temperatures, boiling points,
weights and exact
measures. No, it is not a mere unsatisfactory material science. It's
loaded with layers, filters, modifiers, and mysteries. Just like the
rest of your self-projected world-dream. In
general astrology
is far more complex and
layered than the average skeptic (or uneducated critic) wants it to be.
Now let me repeat the essential claim of astrology: that there
is a correlation
between life phenomena and the planetary positions and movements.
Now to show that most skeptics are
ill-equipped to even discuss astrology, let's ask: What
is meant by "life phenomena" that ends up correlating with planetary
positions? Where do these phenomena take place? This is where the
skeptics are immediately out of their depth.
The realms of life phenomena that
correlate with planetary positions encompass at least 6 areas:
1) What you
think; what comes into the mind,
2) Sensations
the body (noticed and unnoticed),
3) What you
hear, see, or notice,
4) Actions
you feel like taking, or think of doing, but don't do,
5) What
actions you do take
Events, 'Things that happen' or arise on their own, whether in the
course of
taking action or not.
Yes, astrological transits manifest as mere thoughts. And yes, they
come out as feelings in the body. And the most interesting
is how you can walk around the block or through your neighborhood and
immediately witness your changing astrological transits playing out --
just in what you notice or observe. That phrase "notice or
observe" is very key, and makes a big difference.
Notice that most of the phenomena of life play out in these 6 areas.
Likewise, astrological
correlation can be studied in these same six realms.
Neurotic attackers of astrology (who have usually never studied even
their moon transits much less their Mars-square-Moon) tend to
focus exclusively on number 6 -- events that happen. They
think an
astrologer is preoccupied with predicting events.
The fascinating fact is that what is done/not done in the
prior five areas will
modify outcomes in #6, or events.
That is, whether you "notice" a thing in #3 or
walk past it modifies what emerges in levels 4, 5, and 6.
They want a
good theory before investigation
Normally when men wish to investigate a thing they look at
the phenomenon itself. Only afterward they might
try to come up with theories or explanations for the phenomenon.
For example, a early traveler might say "I went to Madagascar and there
is a lizard that can change its color." Or "There is a bird that can
eat poison." The fellow back home with a true scientific attitude will
say, "I can't imagine how that could be, but I want to come
there and study it." Then only after studying the phenomenon
does he try to come up with theories of how/why. This is the
correct approach to astrology, also. But a more emotional
type will say: "I can't conceive of HOW a lizard could
change colors. So I am not interested in coming to study your absurd
claim." That is, he says: "I
can't conceive of how planets could control/influence us, so I am not
going to study it."
Notice that he has presumed astrology is about planets "controlling" or
"influencing." I am an astrologer and I don't believe planets control
influence! So he is, as usual, approaching it with false
But more importantly, notice his emotional stance that he must
have a satisfactory explanation FIRST, before he will deign
the phenomenon.
This is not normally how people proceed in
investigations. They want to see the phenomenon first, then theorize
about it later. But the astrological skeptic makes an exception with
astrology: He must have a plausible theory before he studies the
phenomenon itself. I would tell him: "Simply make journal whenever
transiting Mars opposes, squares, or conjuncts your natal moon. Write
down what happens."
Pretty soon he'll be a 'believer' in astrology or at least realize
there is something uncanny to it. But he won't have a theory of how it
works, and he didn't need one. He just needed to study it.
But for some reason most ostensibly "science" minded men
always reverse the normal processes of investigation with astrology.
They say: "I can't
conceive of
how/why it should work, so therefore it must be nonsense and I won't
study it." It's like the hometown fellow
circa 1800 saying "I
can't conceive of how a lizard can
change color, so I'm not going to look at it. Only after you
give me a believable theory for it will I look at your lizard."
also, typically, are carrying lots of baggage in the form of theories
(such as "planets cause things" or "planets emit rays" etc.) They
must have a believable and logical theory in hand first
before they will study the subject. Only with astrology do they reverse
things this way and require a believable explanation first.
The skeptics typically approach
astrology with a catalog of pre-registered premises about the "how" of
astrology: that planets
"cause" or "control," or that "cosmic rays" are
emitted from planets, or that there is "a scorpion in the sky," etc.
(It never occurs to them there there was never a
scorpion in the sky, and one can connect star-dots in limitless ways to
imagine fanciful pictures. For the "precession" fanatics, they don't
realize that the 0 Aries point is still the spring equinox and that
these creatures never existed in the sky.)
Another of their
false premises is that astrology is supposed to predict
"exactly what's going to happen." They have this expectation even
though at each moment a completely unique set of planetary movements is
occurring -- one that has never occurred before in history. (Even if
the main purpose of astrology was to predict "what
will happen," if every moment in time involves an unprecedented,
never-occurred set of planetary configurations, how can anybody predict
exactly what will happen?)
about the Northern Lights continually change, yet we always
studied the
Northern Lights. Why do astrology skeptics require a fixed-and-final
satisfactory theory for astrology they will actually study it?
in the realm of material science the theories that explain a phenomenon
are found to change. At first they think the sky is blue for one
reason, then another. At first they think fire makes blisters for one
reason, then another. At first they think cancer is caused by one
thing, then another. This is one more reason the theory-before-study
astrology scoffers are ridiculous.
entertaining their unnecessary theories on approach to almost-study
astrology, they include crap
too that the scoffer approached it burdened by assumptions about theory
or cause that are not necessarily true: That planets
"control" or "influence." I have never believed they control or
influence, and yet I am an astrologer. Rather, they correlate, in a
synchronous universe in which all things are related because all
perceivables are the property of a perceiver. Or we could say
everything is connected because everything arises spontaneously from
one divine source.
A farmer may have noticed that the deer come down into a certain
meadow of his about a week before a frost. He notices that the deer are
down in the meadow, so he figures a frost will be coming soon. Is it
because he believes the deer "cause" the frost? No. He just knows
everything is connected. There is no need to approach the study of
astrology with a theory of "how it could work" any more than the
scientist needed to have final explanation-in-hand before studying the
The same farmer may watch the barn swallows swoop low on
a summer evening and reckon it will rain by sunrise, based on past
experience. Is it because he believes the Barn Swallows cause it to
rain? No, again, he just knows things are connected. Astrology works
because everything is connected. Your dreams at night have everything
to do with you, because you are the dreamer. Likewise in
the waking
dream of a material cosmos you also find yourself (your life shown in
astrological charts, etc.) -- because these projections -- skies,
earth, and "charts" -- are likewise just yourself.
The real claim of astrology is that
there is correlation
between microcosm and macrocosm. Not that planets are causative. If a
fellow actually wanted to study astrology as a phenomenon he would see
if it's true.
How to truly
study astrology
To best study astrology, one watches
life while also watching the
astrological positions, without preconceptions. As with all other
studies, there is also no need to have a logical theory about
"how" or "why" it could be true. It is only needful to study the
phenomenon in itself.
I would recommend these steps:
-- Meet 50 people who have their natal Saturns in square,
or conjunction to your natal moon and observe what your interactions
are like.
-- Watch the transit of Mars squaring your natal moon at least 4 times
(over years) and journal about what goes on then.
-- Observe the hours when transiting Moon "hits" your natal
Saturn. Do this for a few years. Do this and
observe what takes place in 6 realms: 1) What you
think, 2) Sensations in the body, 3) What you hear, see, or notice, 4)
What you feel like doing but don't do, 5) What actions you do take, and
6) What happens. (Note: Nitwits always focus exclusively
on this last of 6 fields of astrological phenomena,
-- Take all the times you were stopped by a traffic cop
(given a ticket, etc.) and note what the planets are doing both in the
sky and in your natal chart. (Similar examples
are endless: The times you see a pretty woman, the times you cut
yourself or have a physical accident, the times you see
people in wheelchairs, etc.)
I know that astrology is a true phenomenon because I have watched it
daily for 30 years. But it's more subtle, and more deep, than
the typical scoffer wants to allow for. One of my working theories for
how it works is that all arises spontaneously from one divine
source, thus all is connected. Planets correlate, in a synchronous
universe. You cause the planets; looking at them is looking into a
mirror. These theories of how/why are very different than the
theories with which skeptics typically encumber themselves as
they scoff without actual study.
Astrology is a lot like this:
Two jungle dwellers come out of the jungle and see their first
pool of still water. The first jungle dweller gazes into it
and sees a being there. Just then the being moves its arm. At
the very same time, the jungle dweller notices that he,
himself, moved his arm. He says, "That
being in the water made me move
my arm."
The 2nd jungle dweller, gazing at an image in the water, and
seeing its movements corresponding with his, says: "Maybe that is just
me." Astrology's the same way. The planets are just a
mirror. They don't cause you; you cause
And yet it is more subtle than that, because look at the 6 areas I
listed above. What one does in the earlier stages (thought,
body feelings) has influence in what happens in the
later fields (things done/things happening). For example, just being a
good observer -- which most people are not -- of small things (item 3)
"satisfies" a great deal of astrological movement, and can
modify the outcomes in 4, 5, and 6. (Noticing the beggar on the street
vs. not noticing them.)
Astrology is profounder than what average minds are prepared
for, and
most critics approach it 1) with no actual study, and 2) false premises
about it.
Six Levels on a Trip to Los Angeles
mentioned that worldly life happens in at least 6 levels, and that
astrology also plays out in the same 6 levels. Let's review them:
1) What you think; what
comes into the mind,
2) Sensations in
the body (noticed and unnoticed),
3) What you hear, see, or notice,
4) Actions you feel like taking, or think of doing, but don't do,
5) What actions you do take
6) Events. Things that happen or arise on their own, whether in the
course of taking action or not.
Let's have a demonstration:
A woman is driving to Los Angeles from Ventura,
for a little business meeting. At this time transiting Mercury is in
an opposition to her natal Saturn. She has studied your life, watched
her transits, and made many notes of past events and astrological
positions. She knows that breakdowns, accidents, or cop events are
often associated with transits to her Natal Saturn. She
has figured
this out by observation. Maybe she has noticed that the moon is
usually in some aspect to Saturn, also. And this is one of those times.
Let's say that what she wants in the 6th realm, of happenings,
is simply to arrive in LA without incident. She don't want any 6th
realm outcomes except safe arrival.
Already the planetary
phenomena are playing out in the 6 areas. Already there is a Number 5
-- she is taking at action. She has an obligation to go to this
business meeting with a potential client. (Obligations often arise
during hard transits to the natal Saturn.)
this time she
may feel a discomfort in your body as she drives. Maybe an itch. Maybe
the skin of her back is crimped against the seat behind her
for a
moment. This was the transit at number 2. If she
is unaware of it
and ignores it, the transit has to keep evolving and manifesting in the
other levels. Instead she is aware of it, but decides to end
it. I
would do the shamanic trick of letting the itch remain -- if I
knew I
was driving under difficult transits. But she shifts in her car and she
scratches her itch. No
more pain. Now the Mercury-Saturn opposition is 'looking' for something
else to do, some other way to hit her.
Karma-Busting Tip of the Millennium:
transits to "work out" on one's body is the best
way to mitigate
them, flatten them out, deflate them, or even kill them.
At this time for some reason one of her old jobs
comes into her mind. She was fired from that job. She thinks of the
people involved, the boss who fired her, and relives it a little. She
processes on it and gets new understanding of that event. This is
the transit manifesting at Level One, the level of thought. This was
very good for her trip and a good thing to think about at this time.
But it is unpleasant, so she turns on the radio to forget those
memories and change her mood. The song that's on is one she doesn't
like. It reminds her of a bad time in here life. She goes searching for
one she
likes. It is difficult! She turns off the radio.
She should
have left it on. Radios, TV, music, and media are great ways to let
transits express. The bad song was just her transit. So was the
thought about the old job and the firing. Had she left the radio on she
would have heard more songs she disliked, and likely some nasty news,
or a talk radio conversation that was negative and unpleasant. This
would have been good, but she wanted to avoid and stop up the transit
at Level 3. (Things seen and heard.)
Now there are some people
broken down by the side of the road. A woman is standing there and a
fellow is down on his knees in a busy place trying to jack up their
car. This is her transit manifesting at level 3.
But she only barely notices them.
She doesn't give them much mind.
In fact she could do major "noticing" -- even ponder each situation
for a while. But she don't even pay attention to them. This was the
Mercury-opposition-Saturn manifesting at Level 3, Things Noticed and
Seen, but she didn't make use of it. If she had
really noticed, registered and pondered the broken-down
people and their car, it would have given her a great deal of
As she passes the exit to
Coldwater Canyon she think it would be fun to pull off and get a fruit
smoothie at that favorite smoothie place she likes, next to Whole
Foods. This is the transit at Level 5 -- actions you feel like taking.
(Under the transits to Saturn people feel negativity and pain, even
subconsciously, and instinctively want to go toward some kind of
pleasure.) Had she gone there, associated with the transit she would
have likely had some disappointment, such as the store being
closed, a
server being rude, or her smoothie not smooth. That is, with some luck.
It's as if there are lawful times to have fun, and times when Saturn
"doesn't want" you to have fun. (To use language
creatively.) But
instead, she decides to be austere and pass up that temptation. This
good. Had she had fun with the smoothie stop Saturn would have had to,
as it were, slap her harder somehow on this trip.
At this point
by foregoing that desire she was feeling, she is beginning to give
"satisfaction" to the transit. She is suffering because she
did not
take that action. In other cases a transit becomes satisfied because
you do take an action, maybe one you don't enjoy or one you do
she gets to her location in Santa Monica and it's hard to find a
parking space. This would be typical for the transit. (Assignment: Log
all the times it's hard to get a parking space; look at the moon
transit etc.) Somebody parks sloppy just before she gets there. The
woman even takes up two spaces. She has to spend extra time
looking for
a parking spot and park at a greater distance away. Rolling up the
windows, the handle breaks off in her hand. Getting out of the
car, our
driver catches a screw on her runner and it makes a tear in one of her
favorite skirts. As she heads down the sidewalk an unpleasant looking
street person approaches her. He, also, is her transit. He says
lewd things. She ends up 20 minutes late to
the business meeting and
These items are Level 6 items now. The parking
trouble, the tear, the street person, and the late arrival are all part
of "things happening" at level 6.
Predicting these are things
that the astrological skeptic tends to focus on as being the goal of
astrology. However, they are modified (even controlled) by what's done
or not done in the other levels.
All that is required is that
the transit (Mercury-opposing- Saturn) be "satisfied." Had the driver
looked at some of the people broken down along the road, on her trip,
outcomes at level 6 would have been different. Had she noticed her itch
or bodily discomfort, and especially allowed it to remain without
trying to get comfort, it would have modified the level 6 outcome all
the more. Had she indulged in pleasure during this transit (Level 4)
and found a great Smoothie Shop, it is likely that the outcome at level
6, because the foregoing pleasure was contrary to the transit, would
have been grosser. For example, she may have a Level 6 outcome such as
a traffic cop pullover, or a little bump in the parking lot, or a
malfunction of the car. Her austerity in not going to the Smoothie Shop
along the way protected her.
What the individual does at Level 2 and 3 are powerful
modifiers of
what can happen at levels 4, 5 and 6. An itch left
unscratched, or a
pebble left in the shoe, are powerful satisfiers of certain kinds of
adverse transits, for example. Along the way, this woman could have
made even greater use of Level 3 -- the noticing of things seen and
heard. She didn't pay attention, but there were 3 broken down
along the way she could have "taken in." Had she pulled over at a
convenient spot to offer assistance to a safe looking person, it would
have given further satisfaction to the transit. There was a
cop over
on the left oncoming freeway who had pulled over a speeder. He was her
transit. She didn't notice this. She could have also turned on the
radio and been treated to some Talk Radio that was very
upsetting or crude. That would have been her transit expressing, also.
But she unwisely left her radio off. There were also some unpleasant
persons she could have noticed in cars, some with monster hair, some
hitting their kids, a woman with a tattoo on her face, plus a guy with
his radio cranked up really loud with a song that she dislikes.
However, she didn't do the wise things and notice any these things.
(Received the transit at Level 3.) Had she done so, it is likely (and
this based on my experience) that she would not had the parking
difficulty, or torn one of her favorite skirts, broken the window
handle, or been late.
can receive and satisfy all astrological transits at the level of
mind, at the level of sensations in the body, and at the level of
things seen and heard. What manifests at Level 6 (Events that happen)
depends on what is done and not done, noticed and not noticed, at the
other levels.
you go to sleep, all transit phenomena
associated with the world immediately dissolves. You master everything,
taking down the entire circus tent. Likewise, when you sit in
one spot
and meditate you reduce the grossness of 'astrological manifestation'
(life manifestation) greatly. Action itself expands astrological
manifestation. Non-action mitigates it and flattens it out. Let's say
you liked to walk through a grove of willow trees on your way home
from school. One day you started down the grove and there was pollen on
all the hanging fronds. If you will stop there, you will get no pollen
on you. It's only as you move forward (act) into the willow grove that
you get the pollen all over you. Likewise, it's when you take action
during various transits that you "get the transit all over you." Action
makes the transit potential expand, just like her trip to LA. Had she
spent the day knitting and watching TV, she would not have torn her
dress, encountered an unpleasant beggar, or insulted her client by
being late. Other things would have happened, but with less action
likely would have been less dramatic. Astrological potential expands
with action.
In my astrological practice I've had times like this: A client says: "I have to take this difficult
trip, this Thursday. I have to be on time. I can't have any bad
traffic, hassles, or troubles. Is it a good time?"
And looking at it, it may be a bad travel time. So what do I tell them?
I say:
-- Play the radio while you drive. When songs you don't like come no,
LEAVE THEM playing.
-- Try to find a talk radio show. You will probably find the content
and language distressing. Leave it on.
-- You will probably see people broken down along the way, or people
stopped by the cops. When you see them, notice everything about the
situation. Think about similar times in your life, or other stories
like that you've heard (friends and family). Write novels in your head,
while driving, about "breaking down" or "stopped by cops." Mentally
explore those ideas.
-- Don't try to have fun along the way, or repeat pleasures from the
past. If you are hungry, try to stay hungry.
-- Discomforts will arise while driving. If you can bear a few of them,
choose to "allow" them rather than trying to make yourself perfectly
-- Negative memories may come into your mind. Explore those memories
and thoughts.
-- Take special precautions before the trip, things you might not
usually do. Like, check the water level and oil. Do it yourself. Get
dirty doing it. (Note: It's the hassling over these "caution"
activities that gives the protection and pleases Saturn, no so much the
things themselves.)
By doing these things during that trip, I say to the client, he/she is
likely to get there without incident.
Because astrological phenomena play out in these 6 realms,
and because astrological
positions at any given moment are ones that have never occurred before
in history, nobody can predict exactly what will happen. And such
prediction is not
astrology's purpose.
But you can get to know the typical
phenomena that
take place during, for example, any transit such
as Moon-quincunx-Natal
Saturn. It will And to do so is interesting, makes life more fun as
well as
more in your control, and gives a lot of protection, understanding, and
peace. |
