Julian C. Lee Mickunas, Locational Astrologer
Over 30 Years Experience  |  Over 10,000 Clients  |  Satisfaction Guarantee  |  Call:
Q & A
My fee is $195 payable by PayPal. I will give you the instructions when we talk.

For a $20 discount ($175) you can pay by check-in-the-mail written to "Geostelar."
First call and leave a message.
When I call you back I'll give you instructions about paying by either mail or PayPal..

Satisfaction Guarantee
To All Movers:
See below in this column. Based on known movers my satisfaction rate with clients is over 95 percent pleased.

Locational Research Briefing: The Best Place I Can Find For You

Locational Research Briefing For Two People

Two Locations
For One Person

Commentary On Your Current Location

Like a general astrological reading but based on where you are living, thus more accurate.

Locational Comparison Reading
I compare your current locational chart (and life) to Two other places that you choose.

Compatibility Reading
You can have Two people looked at. Very interesting and revelatory.

Money Talk
Worth much more! Uses your current locational Money Houses to tell you various ways you can naturally make money in your present location.

Satisfaction Guaranteed or you will be refunded
Examples: Real Estate Listings to sell a property, vacations, dates, parties, photoshoots, lawsuits...

Deferral Cases
Once called "stumped cases," now I call them "deferrals."
If I can't find a locational solution I feel confident about at this time I will refund you and invite you to try again at some later time. In some cases, if I give any valuable information about the current or other locations, or cover a batch of your locational ideas for you, I may simply reduce the reading fee to the less inexpensive "Commentary on Current Location" or "Comparison Reading." I commonly refund on the same-day. At most it may take me 1-3 days in a few cases. You can read more about deferrals at Little Things To Know.

Julian Lee, Astrologer, get marriage fulfillment

Found her husband in Atlanta
(Marriage was her prime goal.)

Julian Lee, Astrologer, appreciative audience, locations for success in performance

Stalled acting career in Vancouver re-started in Toronto.

Better technique:
Sometimes very small moves east or west can bring major life changes.


According to ACG/linemap theory, things are mostly the same the within 300 miles. Not so. I expected profound changes in experience for this client by getting only 4 degrees westward.

Little Things To Know
Ins and outs of working with me. Read this for fun, or if you're crazy about this site, or if you are really planning to get a reading with me.

To Callers Outside U.S.
The best approach is often to use SKYPE. If you have Skype installed, give me your SKYPE user name when you first call.  If you have a phone number, leave that, also, in your initial call.

Note: I estimate that more than 95 percent  of my clients are satisfied with their life results as a result of my recommended moves. This means a few are unhappy with their moves. You can't please everybody. Please read "move for your own reasons" in Little Things To Know.

Big House Sold Next Day Using My Listing Timing
Over 5 years ago I began offering a full money-back satisfaction guarantee to clients who move to my recommeded location and try it at least 3 months. Since offering it I have given over 1,000 recommendations. Only 3 movers have claimed a refund (All refunded.) No other locational astrologer offers such a guarantee or assurance. The deal: If you move to the location I recommend and are not glad you did after 3 months there -- I will refund your entire fee. After the 3 months you have a 3 month window to ask. I assume no other responsibilities or obligations in your life except the original fee. (Please read "Move for your own good reasons" in the article "Little Things To Know."  This is unusual in the field. But I am confident in my knowledge.This applies to Locational Research Briefing For Two People, and the "Two Good Locations" readings. (These are the only readings in which I recommend a location.) This is not a guarantee that you will "like my advice" or that it will be the same advice as another astrologer. It applies to movers and move satisfaction only. There are no forms you need to fill out. My Guarantee just is. After the 1st 3 months, you have a 3 month window to claim the refund. Everybody has bad transits that come and go. The refund does is not available lifelong. (Don't call me after years in a location asking for the refund because you are having a bad transit etc!)

Beyond Astrocartography:
Locational Astrologer Julian Lee


Find more fortunate locations with a Master Locational Astrologer.


I am recovered from a health crisis in August that made me unable to respond to phone calls or do readings. In that time my voicemail filled up beyond the maximum. A lot of voicemails were dropped from the record by the service, though I had not yet returned those calls. I urge anyone who phoned in August (or months before that) who never had a callback to try again and leave a new voicemail. I am definitely catching up on my calls now finally. Thank you. -- Julian Lee  

My techniques are well-tested
and really work:

Right: She got married
(top of her list), wrote her book,
and has several investors interested in her books and proposing companies and new income based on them --
all in the first year in the new location.
Click To Play

Left: She's enthused about her first trip to the location. My clients typically get excellent short-term results AND long-term results. Long-term results are more important than short term, however, good short-term results help you have faith that the location will be good for you. Traveling there at my recommended times opens up doors, produces positive Findings, and acts like 'good potting soil.'

"The Psychic Twins"

They were given the names of 5 astrologers
and asked to name
the most accurate astrologer.
Before being told this I had never heard of them.
Fruitful Move
To Florida,
Calling Me Four
   Years Later...

Many of my clients
are seeking a location with
improved dating and
marriage prospects.

Skype Username:

Don't play with your life. Hire the world's most experienced locational astrologer to help you make your fateful move decision.
More Information Continues Below.


It took 2 trips, and a bit more east,
but she then found & the good
signs and the good feelings.
With the right birth time
and a true guide,
this powerful knowledge
really works.

Had unusual knowledge related to acoustics. After move, came into  surprising enlarged success, and even world influence & authority in his specialized field. Plus reunited with dear old-time love.
(Note, these fanciful photos are not
my actual clients.)

Family man,
 desperate at Amazon, Inc.,
Didn't believe he'd do
 Much, Much Better --
in India

  "Locational astrology is the master key to understanding everything about your life, good and bad, and to certainly and surely changing your life in definite and selected ways. Further, locational astrology is the most accurate form of astrology, period. Nothing touches it. And it has been my concentration, sole focus, and passion for 28 years. I consider the Jim Lewis astrocartography map -- and all linemap products -- to be a really bad technique, unreliable, misleading, and even dangerous. Even Jim Lewis, the inventor of the astrological linemap, died young because he moved to a bad location! I would never use any kind of linemap to decide where to live, for myself or my clients. I moved to Alaska using one and it was a major disaster in terms of my children. Linemaps, you see, give no information about your house of children, the house of money, and a great many other things. I have not touched a linemap with my hand -- or even gazed  at one on paper or on screen -- for over 20 years. They are that useless, and that much worth avoiding. Almost all other locational astrologers are using linemaps such as ACG -- and these people truly ought to find some more decent line of work." -- Julian Lee  


Reviews for
written messages from
Julian's relocated Clients.


Read this fascinating
with Julian Lee on astrocartography maps,
Jim Lewis, and the Locational Astrology Revolution

"Julian Lee is the genuine article, an amazingly talented astrologer 
with real compassion for his clients.

I have had traditional Western and Vedic readings done but something always seemed amiss. Julian has perfected a system that is astoundingly accurate.

Don't waste money on  an  astrocartography  reading. His system is much more sophisticated and specific."
A. H., Hollywood, California




Little Things To Know
About working with me

Julian Lee, Astrologer, stumped cases, refunds

Above: My declined cases for one year.
All refunded when I didn't think a move was right for them at that time.

Before you move, hire an expert in locational influences, and find the best place for you and your successful life. Benefit from the same laws of location that assist all successful people. You might have heard of " astrocartography" maps. But there is more to locational knowledge than linemaps. Get the hopeful  realities on your situation from Julian Lee, a  master locational astrologer.


27 Years Full-Time Practice
Specializing in Relocation Only,
No other profession for 27 years..
Lee has dominated the field of Practicing Locational Astrology
for nearly two decades.
No other astrologer has had more clients,
or more client relocations to his credit.

Over 7,000 Personal Interviews and Recommendations With Chart in Hand, The Best Way To Become a Master. Julian Lee Is The Most Experienced Locational Astrologer
In North America, and probably the World.

Many Successful Client Relocations

Uses Full Relocated Natal Analysis,
Plus OTHER FUNDAMENTAL techniques.
Has NEVER used any Astrocartography map
or any other kind of linemap for
his readings.

No canned or "programmed" material of any kind.
Every reading and solution is unique and
based on the unique assets in your chart.

Pre-Interview Assures He Knows
YOUR Goals. Lee doesn't tell you what you
"should want" or what you "can have."
He believes in your dreams and
helps you get what you want.
Never take directions from anybody
who doesn't interview you first and
hear your goals. When Julian first
began in this profession, nobody else
was doing this, (which he
considered astounding).
Since then others follow his example
in that and other ways.
In fact, he has "copycats" all
over the web.

Mature Experience, Family Man, Artist,
Spiritual Values, Wrote the book:
"Gifts Of The Mystic" and "Signs Of Freedom --
Living Beyond Your Astrological Chart"

Personally Successful, Has Lived
Stably in Beautiful Environments.

Julian at home in Ojai, California before moving to Portland, Oregon some years ago. His residence for 10 years there was an historic Mediterranean Villa built by Mead & Requa, on 5 solitary acres, in the hills overlooking Ojai. He wrote "The Geostel Brownbook" in the tower room.

Mr. Lee Uses Only Well-Tested Techniques
That Work. No Theories or flaky techniques
that don't work. (Like city/state synastry, ACG lines, etc.)

High Reputation, Clients All
Over the U.S. and Europe

Clients include couples, families,
professionals, and highly successful
individuals, including some famous.
His clients include: Doctors, lawyers,
diplomats, investors, actors, musicians,
spiritual healers and new-age teachers,
entrepreneurs, CEOs and execs,
highly successful authors,
one highly successful fashion designer
(you see her shoes in all the stores)
trust-fund babies :-)
and the greatest of all:
Wives and Mothers.
Plus a few yogis and even gurus.

Large Practice, two-thirds of
clients are personal referrals

No Linemaps or ACG-style Maps
Have Ever Been Used
"Anybody who's using a linemap, or even refers to linemaps or "lines" in his work, does not know what he's doing in my opinion. Linemaps of any kind are a grievously limited technique. No serious locational astrologer is interested in them. I know that sounds amazing, but I mean it sincerely. Linemaps are just eye-candy; consumer products that actually "dumb down" locational data. They are highly misleading and leave out critical information. I have not touched, or ever looked at an ACG map or linemap for over 20 years. I have never done even one reading based on, or influenced by a ACG map or other linemap, and am probably the most successful locational astrologer in the world.
Don't toy with your life."

Wrote the Geostel Brownbook,
Giving Completely New Information
About Locational Factors.

(In his Geostel Brownbook Julian describes ACG linemap Venus, Neptune, and other factors differently and far more fully. He wrote it just to show his expertise on the ACG factors, to show that ACG material is both limited and often incorrect in describing even those factors, and to help people using linemaps to be at least better-informed about ACG factors.)

Has influenced the field and other astrologers
are now employing fundamental new techniques
first uncovered and taught by Mr. Lee.

Started his Practice Offering
Full Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantees

Julian Lee is a confident astrologer.
And his readings are:
1) Far more detailed and rich, and
2) More specifically accurate
than what clients are accustomed to from other
astrologers of ANY type. Many astrologers have had readings from him to learn about his techniques. After a reading from Julian Lee, many clients are not satisfied with readings by other astrologers.
Lee is highly verbal, quick, and fluid.
His readings (recorded for you) are loaded with
condensed and explicit information,
not vague or rambling talk.
Many clients think Lee is a psychic after his readings, but he does not use his physic ability in his work.

Along with experience comes caution and wisdom.
Lee is conservative and doesn't play with the lives of his clients. He moved to Alaska based on an Astrocartography map many years ago, and had  serious life losses there. From that experience, he discovered the deeper principles of locational astrology.
He only recommends locations when he is sure it will help. He is experienced enough to know there is not always a ''locational fix" for life problems, and turns away clients regularly. Any astrologer who thinks there is "always a locational fix" for all clients is lacking experience or honesty.
He prefers "strong cases" and noticeable results.
After working on you, he may decline to give an opinion
at this time. (This cannot be known in advance.)
Lee turns Down/Declines About
30 Percent Of All Cases, With Full Refund.
'Honesty Is the Best Policy"

Reasonable Fees
$195 -- $300

His card in the Card Deck:
King of Clubs
Birth Date: 3/23/57

Julian Lee, King of Clubs

"The King of Knowledge"

Lee's astrological aspects:

In astrological literature, this aspect is
associated with the strongest natural astrologers



Sun in the House of Astrology,
plus Mercury and Venus

Uranus, Planet of Astrology, in the 3rd House of Knowledge, Communication, and Consulting and Ruling the Career House

Pluto in the House of Home & Location

Natal Chart of Astrologer Julian Lee

If readers are interested in my personally this page with material on the Basalmic Moon Phase, which I have natally, is very good and I identify with most of it.

All Readings Digitally Recorded, and Provided To You
as an MP3 File

Mr. Lee can show you a significantly more prosperous place to live, including many great places missed by linemap-based readings. Beginning  with an astrocartography map over a decade ago, Julian has developed a sophisticated approach to relocational analysis that builds on the work begun by pioneering astrologer Jim Lewis. On the cutting edge of geomantic knowledge today, Julian has over 90% client satisfaction. (Please read DISCLAIMER below.)

 Julian Lee, Relocational Astrologer
 This is the one professional astrologers hire
when they are thinking of a move.

Julian's clients have included professional astrologers, and he has taught his system to other locational astrologers. Relocational astrology can benefit you greatly by finding you a more prosperous living-place for your goals. Many have found Julian Lee's analysis of their current location to be  more accurate and specific than other locational readings. He will bring up the critical factors missed by other techniques.

A move will change your life in powerful ways.  It's a good investment to get the opinion of one of today's most reliable locational consultants, a true specialist.

To contact Julian call


Calls take priority! My phone number is: 406-404-8812

ON PAYMENT: Pay using my payment buttons on this page, left column at the top of the page. Credit cards and bank cards can be used for any of the buttons. You don't need to phone first, but if you do pay, phone me right away and inform me, giving me your phone number. You will be my top priority callback., for scheduling. Sometimes I prefer payment by PayPal. If so, I will tell you when we talk and give you the email for doing that. Please do not attempt to pay by wire transfer, by MoneyGram, or by Western Union, or any other commercial wire service. 

Click Reviews
 for more letters from clients of Julian Lee.

The Geostel

New Guide to
A*C*G maps

Writings Of
Julian Lee


Read Online
of the


DISCLAIMERS: "Astro*Carto*Graphy" is a registered trademark. Julian Lee is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the owner of the "Astro*Carto*Graphy" trademark or any licensees to the trademark.Julian Lee assumes no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of relocations subsequent to, or based on, his consulting services, or for other client decisions, subsequent to, or based on,  his consulting services.

I own and retain copyright on all of my readings. -- Julian Lee

"Since moving here  I have completely gotten  off  the  anti-depressants.

Also, the pain in my back is almost completely gone. I even went  snow-boarding last week.

I'm now in a relationship with a man I like. Never have I lived anywhere that felt this comfortable."
Joanne F., moved from
Northern California to Idaho

More Reviews


Click Here For
Alternative Astrocartography Related Publications


Astrological Timings
by Julian with a Money-Back
Satisfaction Guarantee
Performance Dates -- Presentations -- Releases -- Parties -- Public Events -- Trips -- Festivals -- Hot Dates --
I am particularly good at astrological timing, though I am under-utilized for this. I get particularly good results in getting the homes or real estate of my clients sold. (I can also give you powerful timings for selling any item.) My clients usually have surprisingly fast results getting their property sold. My real estate sales timings are only $50, and have a full money-back guarantee. The guarantee is: If you don't get a good offer within 30 days I will give you a full refund. To get a real estate timing, follow the directions at the link just above.

Note: Astrological timings are the only services I offer that have a money-back guarantee.
