Locational Astrologer Julian Lee


Do you think an Ice Age is coming?

Julian: Yes, I do. At least a mini ice age. All the signs are there and the more honest scientists are saying it. The world has suddenly changed. And people are not being told.
VIDEO: The Great Global Warming Swindle
Important! Watch that! Know the truth!
Article 1
This is partly cyclical. We have used up the time in a typical warm interglacial period, and this is related to the cycles of the sun. (See below.) But the new ice age may have been hastened by the destruction of the warm loop current out of the Gulf of Mexico. Some scientists think this has been caused by the BP oil spill. The huge amounts of oil, sunk into the water by BP's millions of gallons of Obama-approved toxic Corexit (to sink the oil and hide it), appears to have caused that vital warm current to stall and break up. This in turn is affecting the Gulf air stream above. This is why Europe is experiencing a record-breaking early winter and unusual cold temperatures. Satellite temperature maps of the gulf loop current are viewable by anyone on the internet, but the banker-owned media are studiously ignoring this news. It is possible that the Gulf loop current will not be able to recover.

Behind this is a second larger cause for global cooling, which the media remain silent about: The cycles of the Sun. The earth's climate is actually controlled by the cycles of the sun. Global cooling and ice ages correlate with a decline in sunspot activity. The sun has now settled into a sunspot minimum not seen since Little Ice Age  of 1600-1850. All of the planets in our solar system are cooling because of the change in the sun.

The warmists have also lied about temperatures of our time relative to history. If we go back THE PAST TEN THOUSAND YEARS, the year 2010 -- media-hyped as one of the "warmest," ranks at only 9,099 for warmth. This based on highly reliable Greenland ice core samples that show temperatures going back thousands of years. (See link and graphic below.)

 The mass media are silent about both the sunspot situation, the actual temp. situation, and  damage to the Gulf loop current -- all three! All mass media outlets spin the astounding new winter as "a result of warming." They are silent about the many qualified scientists who say temperature (and the sun) drive CO2 levels, not the other way around.

Why is mass media silent? Because the money interests who own our media are the same ones pushing the global warming concept. Their purpose is 1) To create a foot-in-the-door de facto world government, and 2) To get the power to actually tax everybody in the world to fund this banker world-government, and 3) to reduce the playing field to a manageable playing field of nations by weakening the industrialized nations. 

If true, what are locational strategies for dealing with global cooling?

Julian: Get the best fourth house that you can, even if for short periods of 1-3 years and even if it's necessary to move again. Always be with the richest, most coherent 4th house that you can get. It changes over time. This makes sure you are fed in the case of food shortage, and more secure, with a decent dwelling.

How do you get a good Fourth House?

Julian: This cannot be shown to you by a linemap or an astrocartography map astrologer.
But I have 20 years experience  finding juicy fourth houses as a basic starting point using knowledge linemap astrologers lack, plus finding the best factors possible for other life purposes you may have.
Call the number above. At this time there is NO INVESTMENT MORE VALUABLE than choosing a good location for the coming difficult times, in which supplies and protections are given naturally through astrological law. Few if any astrologers know my techniques, and no astrologer in the world has done more locational readings or has more experience. Read more below. Conventional Logic often fails. But my locational advice for individuals based on their individual chart possibilities, and my predictions for them in these selected locations is based on accute research, solid laws, and 20 years experience, and it rarely fails.

Global Warming Hoax
Food and Fuel Shortages Imminent as New Ice Age Dawns

These developments fall outside the plans and intended agenda, and their present propaganda program, of the financial elite that who owns the news media. They are presently trying to figure out how to keep ignoring it, plus how to spin it. Initially they are spinning the new cooling as "a proof of global warming" (sort of like "war is peace" from 1984) until they think of some other way to benefit from the crisis. Your T.V. set lies 24 hours-a-day, by the way.

Julian Lee

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.Locational Astrology Tip
To Develop as a
Songwriter, Performer or Artist:
Locations That Increase Your Creativity


Read this fascinating
with Julian Lee on astrocartography maps,
Jim Lewis, and the Locational Astrology Revolution



Little Things To Know
About working with me

Before you move, hire an expert in locational influences, and find the best place for you and your successful life. Benefit from the same laws of location that assist all successful people. You might have heard of " astrocartography" maps. But there is more to locational knowledge than linemaps. Get the hopeful  realities on your situation from Julian Lee, a  master locational astrologer.

Before moving recently to Portland, Oregon 2 years ago, this was Julian Lee's residence for 10 years in Ojai, California: An historic Mediterranean Villa built by Mead & Requa, on 5 solitary acres, in the hills overlooking Ojai. He wrote "The Geostel Brownbook" in the tower room.

Reasonable Fees
$195 -- $300

His card in the Card Deck:
King of Clubs
Birth Date: 3/23/57

"The King of Knowledge"

Lee's astrological aspects:

In astrological literature, this aspect is
associated with the strongest natural astrologers



Uranus-in-Third-Ruling-Midheaven (Natal)

All Readings Digitally Recorded, and Provided To You
as an MP3 File, or Mailed to You on CD

Research Services & Fees
To contact Julian call


It's always better to call rather than email. Even if you only want to inquire, feel free to call me. There is no obligation. If you leave a message I will call you back as soon as I can, and answer questions you might have. I normally get calls returned in 2-10 days. If you are an existing client and need to talk to me about something, always phone if you want an answer. I try to respond to emails when I can, but they take second place to phone messages. My response to emails can be very slow! Calls take priority! My phone number is: 805-640-9591.

ON PAYMENT: I am paid by personal check, in U.S. funds. I can also be paid with cashier's checks, money orders, etc. in U.S. funds. I can also be paid via www.PayPal.com if you have an account with them. All you need then is my PayPal email address. (Which I'll give to you over the phone.) Please do not attempt to pay by wire transfer, by MoneyGram, or by Western Union, or any other commercial wire service. Again, please do not send payments by any kind of commercial wire. I don't accept them. I ask my European inquirers to especially refrain from sending payments by wire. I can't accept them.

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The Geostel

New Guide to
A*C*G maps



Cosmic Question:
Can locational astrology find you "paradise" or a perfect place?
Listen to Julian's answer:

DISCLAIMERS: "Astro*Carto*Graphy" is a registered trademark. Julian Lee is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the owner of the "Astro*Carto*Graphy" trademark or any licensees to the trademark.Julian Lee assumes no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of relocations subsequent to, or based on, his consulting services, or for other client decisions, subsequent to, or based on,  his consulting services.

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